Edits of Luxembourg for Nov, 20th 2024
Report run @ Nov, 21st 2024 3:03am CET
Notice: The changeset's bbox center is utilized for counting. This can cause inaccuracies between ∼2% and ∼10%.
Daily active members
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Nodes: Daily created, modified or deleted
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Top 500 in Luxembourg last 2 months (order by map changes)
No.ContributorChangesetsMap changesCreated elementsModified or deleted elementsCreated buildingsCreated highwaysCreated landuseCreated names
1.Kugelbaum576626034330 (51%)31930 (48%)3703416592130
2.EUMapper100110773696 (33%)7381 (66%)532617737
3.metalgamer1243479726 (20%)2753 (79%)6173121
4.Lusze132482872 (35%)1610 (64%)1202102
5.Stereo382410902 (37%)1508 (62%)4173132
6.Lyon-St-Clair201328516 (38%)812 (61%)519912
7.sola293510950 (0%)1095 (100%)0000
8.Pïr2496230 (0%)623 (100%)0000
9.p12301520461 (88%)59 (11%)23320
10.Shinji Enoki101366104 (28%)262 (71%)00035
11.gallseife5328117 (35%)211 (64%)0000
12.Seetroll22781 (0%)277 (99%)0001
13.m sartor2226079 (30%)181 (69%)01502
14.wilda6919243102 (41%)141 (58%)21511
15.danwax7721612 (5%)204 (94%)0402
16.MrMoehritz1181163 (90%)18 (9%)10160
17.GeWaLu2516068 (42%)92 (57%)1323
18.ViTiS571213952 (37%)87 (62%)11507
19.kewl313655 (40%)81 (59%)113010
20.ChrisD705413312 (9%)121 (90%)0100
21.alloalli21190 (0%)119 (100%)0000
22.Little Plan731092 (1%)107 (98%)0005
23.peter_osm810541 (39%)64 (60%)0713
24.polarle49886 (87%)12 (12%)01000
25.XY225912 (2%)89 (97%)0101
26.sidddy40863 (3%)83 (96%)0000
27.dmlu27333 (45%)40 (54%)0702
28.sahnemann8643 (4%)61 (95%)0304
29.AVL_FLI_KA46423 (35%)41 (64%)01200
30.Flepp832623 (4%)59 (95%)0300
31.chachas105934 (57%)25 (42%)0000
32.cth45117571 (1%)56 (98%)0000
33.Plierro26500 (0%)50 (100%)0000
34.Nanard777184912 (24%)37 (75%)0100
35.Mayeux13480 (0%)48 (100%)0000
36.jbcharron3481 (2%)47 (97%)0100
37.RaphaelPasloin_mobile31483 (6%)45 (93%)0000
38.Pieter Vander Vennet24644 (95%)2 (4%)01200
39.William Cubric5450 (0%)45 (100%)0000
40.mambus14342 (97%)1 (2%)1210
41.William Verast44336 (83%)7 (16%)0000
42.multimob5384 (10%)34 (89%)0301
43.solarcruiser18362 (5%)34 (94%)0000
44.jfonda103521 (60%)14 (40%)2005
45.nmgg14250 (0%)25 (100%)0000
46.ujinevich22421 (87%)3 (12%)0000
47.queerthoughts62314 (60%)9 (39%)0010
48.ravidwivedi15223 (13%)19 (86%)0003
49.PicaPico12019 (95%)1 (5%)0010
50.FvGordon21912 (63%)7 (36%)0000
51.RaphaelPasloin11919 (100%)0 (0%)0000
52.Éislek21713 (76%)4 (23%)0100
53.goodidea1141 (7%)13 (92%)0000
54.spuseldange21312 (92%)1 (7%)2000
55.SamLeMarnais10130 (0%)13 (100%)0000
56.RBkdl10130 (0%)13 (100%)0000
57.AndySchulte1122 (16%)10 (83%)0101
58.mkuis1119 (81%)2 (18%)0200
59.jgaffuri1116 (54%)5 (45%)0100
60.danny__kay1100 (0%)10 (100%)0000
61.mijam233104 (40%)6 (60%)0000
62.OnlineLP199 (100%)0 (0%)0000
63.ainola592 (22%)7 (77%)0002
64.osm_Ralef395 (55%)4 (44%)1000
65.MaffyMaps480 (0%)8 (100%)0000
66.ValidDistress680 (0%)8 (100%)0000
67.Reneca880 (0%)8 (100%)0000
68.Correcaminos604186 (75%)2 (25%)1010
69.frickelhanse580 (0%)8 (100%)0000
70.HirschKauz682 (25%)6 (75%)0003
71.drlr680 (0%)8 (100%)0000
72.DeRom583 (37%)5 (62%)0100
73.Laurent_Lux880 (0%)8 (100%)0000
74.STEIN_aus_KELMIS170 (0%)7 (100%)0000
75.user_5589470 (0%)7 (100%)0000
76.lski0175 (71%)2 (28%)0000
77.adelriosantiago570 (0%)7 (100%)0000
78.Robot8A174 (57%)3 (42%)0000
79.votre_solution_de_visibilite_digitale_locale660 (0%)6 (100%)0000
80.Chsaitpasencore460 (0%)6 (100%)0000
81.Plinius Meterson160 (0%)6 (100%)0000
82.Xaldar160 (0%)6 (100%)0000
83.Pitt_mëllerdall360 (0%)6 (100%)0000
84.Chalin260 (0%)6 (100%)0000
85.Ed Mayer562 (33%)4 (66%)0001
86.n1dom154 (80%)1 (20%)0001
87.erantr1154 (80%)1 (20%)0100
88.Andrey Lechev155 (100%)0 (0%)2000
89.schalet152 (40%)3 (60%)0100
90.SHARCRASH141 (25%)3 (75%)0000
91.MrSelfdestruct241 (25%)3 (75%)0000
92.Steltek241 (25%)3 (75%)0000
93.Ben Suttor340 (0%)4 (100%)0000
94.mueschel340 (0%)4 (100%)0000
95.swift11241 (25%)3 (75%)0000
96.VLD523 (Facebook)440 (0%)4 (100%)0000
97.CaptainCarte144 (100%)0 (0%)0000
98.scleija330 (0%)3 (100%)0000
99.b-jazz-bot230 (0%)3 (100%)0000
100.Claudius Henrichs330 (0%)3 (100%)0000
101.wheelmap_visitor330 (0%)3 (100%)0000
102.Rollinger330 (0%)3 (100%)0000
103.Yann F330 (0%)3 (100%)0000
104.leolips130 (0%)3 (100%)0000
105.claudia10330 (0%)3 (100%)0000
106.IAceI230 (0%)3 (100%)0000
107.F2N222 (100%)0 (0%)0000
108.Noiris220 (0%)2 (100%)0000
109.endautrestermes221 (50%)1 (50%)0001
110.Renaud58221 (50%)1 (50%)0001
111.Koniotommy222 (100%)0 (0%)0000
112.Ky_AT (TomTom)120 (0%)2 (100%)0000
113.Flight777221 (50%)1 (50%)0001
114.Riri67220 (0%)2 (100%)0000
115.Antimoine220 (0%)2 (100%)0000
116.Snowpowder220 (0%)2 (100%)0000
117.EP19222 (100%)0 (0%)0002
118.deurenkletser222 (100%)0 (0%)0000
119.dnstag110 (0%)1 (100%)0000
120.Hint666111 (100%)0 (0%)0001
121.W1mpie13110 (0%)1 (100%)0000
122.Elena Zarubina111 (100%)0 (0%)0001
123.marc__marc110 (0%)1 (100%)0000
124.Rockedf110 (0%)1 (100%)0000
125.Mateusz Konieczny - bot account110 (0%)1 (100%)0000
126.dsk1110 (0%)1 (100%)0000
127.zatpek110 (0%)1 (100%)0000
128.dlast110 (0%)1 (100%)0000
129.urk110 (0%)1 (100%)0000
130.archINFORM110 (0%)1 (100%)0000
131.sandwitche111 (100%)0 (0%)0001
132.gscholz110 (0%)1 (100%)0000
133.Manu1400110 (0%)1 (100%)0000
134.GS28YM110 (0%)1 (100%)0000
135.justgabets110 (0%)1 (100%)0000
136.luxPROPA110 (0%)1 (100%)0000
137.ManuelNeuerFan1110 (0%)1 (100%)0000
138.nailyk-fr110 (0%)1 (100%)0000
139.eköln110 (0%)1 (100%)0000
140.VLD292 (Facebook)110 (0%)1 (100%)0000
141.time4digital-lux110 (0%)1 (100%)0000
142.Dcfos2501111 (100%)0 (0%)0001
143.LoHBCE110 (0%)1 (100%)0000
144.mister_z111 (100%)0 (0%)0001
145.ISP2025111 (100%)0 (0%)0001
146.orimpe110 (0%)1 (100%)0000