Edits of Lesotho for Oct, 15th 2014
Report for Oct, 16th 2014
Notice: The changeset's bbox center is utilized for counting. This can cause inaccuracies between ∼2% and ∼10%.
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Top 500 in Lesotho last 2 months (order by map changes)
No.ContributorChangesetsMap changesCreated elementsModified or deleted elementsCreated buildingsCreated highwaysCreated landuseCreated names
1.boocha34168180628113302 (62%)67326 (37%)13051076552584
2.HaldenCanal (Apple)397244 (4%)928 (95%)0700
3.Firefishy2749371 (49%)378 (50%)0010
4.FerganaValley (Apple)7558389 (15%)494 (84%)0000
5.conradoos45060 (0%)506 (100%)0000
6.tshedy1274544 (0%)450 (99%)1001
7.Mesata (Apple)16274211 (77%)63 (22%)0000
8.Lyokoï1246195 (79%)51 (20%)0000
9.OtiRiver (Apple)414544 (30%)101 (69%)01000
10.froik512025 (20%)95 (79%)6100
11.didier20202960 (0%)96 (100%)0000
12.TenerifePeak (Apple)1658 (12%)57 (87%)0300
13.Marvin de Hont24646 (100%)0 (0%)6000
14.MountBabia (Apple)14537 (82%)8 (17%)0000
15.TheForeigner1227 (31%)15 (68%)0010
16.ljc_jlyb1160 (0%)16 (100%)0000
17.SuezCanal (Apple)1124 (33%)8 (66%)0200
18.9UVY4M4QEG197 (77%)2 (22%)0100
19.MajaMaravic (Microsoft)770 (0%)7 (100%)0000
20.sssacfgooma_hotosm130 (0%)3 (100%)0000
21.LeopoldCanal (Apple)220 (0%)2 (100%)0000
22.daxro110 (0%)1 (100%)0000
23.Hraban110 (0%)1 (100%)0000
24.Claudius Henrichs110 (0%)1 (100%)0000
25.Nordseeküstenradweg110 (0%)1 (100%)0000