Edits of Luxembourg for Feb, 17th 2025
Report run @ Feb, 18th 2025 3:03am CET
Notice: The changeset's bbox center is utilized for counting. This can cause inaccuracies between ∼2% and ∼10%.
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Top 500 in Luxembourg last 2 months (order by map changes)
No.ContributorChangesetsMap changesCreated elementsModified or deleted elementsCreated buildingsCreated highwaysCreated landuseCreated names
1.Kugelbaum362709814622 (53%)12476 (46%)3183271189130
2.EUMapper5345801584 (34%)2996 (65%)71014221
3.Lyon-St-Clair4827361679 (61%)1057 (38%)16553830
4.Zrop3821942119 (96%)75 (3%)0320
5.GeWaLu25703246 (34%)457 (65%)991167
6.kewl8616286 (46%)330 (53%)025010
7.Xorkal14228174 (76%)54 (23%)2502
8.Stereo7226113 (50%)113 (50%)01008
9.wilda691822593 (41%)132 (58%)31810
10.WingedStone1521098 (46%)112 (53%)118010
11.ChrisD708418016 (8%)164 (91%)0000
12.m sartor1317536 (20%)139 (79%)01409
13.qwertzMA7716018 (11%)142 (88%)0800
14.clawfire541100 (0%)110 (100%)0000
15.Pïr561010 (0%)101 (100%)0000
16.peter_osm510039 (39%)61 (61%)3012
17.jbcharron59622 (22%)74 (77%)2101
18.Myrglad26840 (0%)84 (100%)0000
19.wermak17341 (56%)32 (43%)0100
20.Pitt_mëllerdall13624 (6%)58 (93%)0206
21.Prgs45942 (71%)17 (28%)0403
22.wwwouaiebe21564 (7%)52 (92%)0104
23.Jannis Deeleman35450 (92%)4 (7%)00050
24.danwax21506 (12%)44 (88%)0102
25.sandwitche22470 (0%)47 (100%)0000
26.ViTiS5764710 (21%)37 (78%)0906
27.Macumba Macaca24318 (41%)25 (58%)0010
28.Jakob Borg24215 (35%)27 (64%)0000
29.JeroenvanderGun24420 (0%)42 (100%)0000
30.Theremaz104229 (69%)13 (30%)0000
31.LeLux Air8370 (0%)37 (100%)0000
32.Salm0113511 (31%)24 (68%)0000
33.moyogo13521 (60%)14 (40%)0200
34.hasahi7359 (25%)26 (74%)0803
35.p123023417 (50%)17 (50%)0102
36.wvdp1320 (0%)32 (100%)0000
37.SNT3202513025 (83%)5 (16%)0101
38.gregorybianco2300 (0%)30 (100%)0000
39.Kientzy5712412 (50%)12 (50%)0300
40.multimob2236 (26%)17 (73%)0003
41.Curious Sol11210 (0%)21 (100%)0000
42.wilpin22120 (95%)1 (4%)0100
43.LightWater788216192 (10%)17 (89%)0001
44.newolasoupe3180 (0%)18 (100%)0000
45.XY222180 (0%)18 (100%)0000
46.gscholz13162 (12%)14 (87%)0201
47.lski011512 (80%)3 (20%)0000
48.indeko6145 (35%)9 (64%)0101
49.vince2bir1140 (0%)14 (100%)0000
50.Claudius Henrichs2129 (75%)3 (25%)0100
51.AVL_FLI_KA2120 (0%)12 (100%)0000
52.Pan Perníček71110 (90%)1 (9%)1000
53.kevko221110 (0%)11 (100%)0000
54.spuseldange1118 (72%)3 (27%)0200
55.Nanard7776112 (18%)9 (81%)0100
56.FvGordon2110 (0%)11 (100%)0000
57._- Onno -_10100 (0%)10 (100%)0000
58.Hugoren Martinako790 (0%)9 (100%)0000
59.Kaulmann Adrien384 (50%)4 (50%)0000
60.ceguthier580 (0%)8 (100%)0000
61.user_5589880 (0%)8 (100%)0000
62.landfahrer373 (42%)4 (57%)0010
63.freezingDaniel470 (0%)7 (100%)0000
64.Flepp83271 (14%)6 (85%)0100
65.Davileci362 (33%)4 (66%)0002
66.Kookykooky265 (83%)1 (16%)1000
67.Hagaskar350 (0%)5 (100%)0000
68.mt31151 (20%)4 (80%)0100
69.benemlu240 (0%)4 (100%)0000
70.Fx111xx1xx1340 (0%)4 (100%)0000
71.Crossfinder JDH333 (100%)0 (0%)0001
72.polarle230 (0%)3 (100%)0000
73.votre_solution_de_visibilite_digitale_locale330 (0%)3 (100%)0000
74.claudia10330 (0%)3 (100%)0000
75.BartekChom230 (0%)3 (100%)0000
76.LudovicG330 (0%)3 (100%)0000
77.Riri67230 (0%)3 (100%)0000
78.Thomas Godfrin121 (50%)1 (50%)0101
79.hwierzbicki220 (0%)2 (100%)0000
80.b-jazz-bot220 (0%)2 (100%)0000
81.Renaud58120 (0%)2 (100%)0000
82.orimpe220 (0%)2 (100%)0000
83.Lumikeiju120 (0%)2 (100%)0000
84.WolfiDE220 (0%)2 (100%)0000
85.dsindhup121 (50%)1 (50%)0000
86.jack1968120 (0%)2 (100%)0000
87.dsk1220 (0%)2 (100%)0000
88.HirschKauz220 (0%)2 (100%)0000
89.peanuts64220 (0%)2 (100%)0000
90.mueschel220 (0%)2 (100%)0000
91.ratrun120 (0%)2 (100%)0000
92.sim0nx220 (0%)2 (100%)0000
93.UE_Su110 (0%)1 (100%)0000
94.Lennardderudder110 (0%)1 (100%)0000
95.Helicopter1110 (0%)1 (100%)0000
96.Vinzenz Mai110 (0%)1 (100%)0000
97.osm_Ralef110 (0%)1 (100%)0000
98.Arthur B E110 (0%)1 (100%)0000
99.Mayeux110 (0%)1 (100%)0000
100.wheelmap_visitor110 (0%)1 (100%)0000
101.Mario90Ksw110 (0%)1 (100%)0000
102.Luke_Vader110 (0%)1 (100%)0000
103.shu0410110 (0%)1 (100%)0000
104.joost schouppe110 (0%)1 (100%)0000
105.MrSelfdestruct110 (0%)1 (100%)0000
106.Pivertd110 (0%)1 (100%)0000
107.GilPe110 (0%)1 (100%)0000
108.Lucsch 1110 (0%)1 (100%)0000