Edits of Namibia for Oct, 31st 2024
Report run @ Nov, 01st 2024 3:03am CET
Notice: The changeset's bbox center is utilized for counting. This can cause inaccuracies between ∼2% and ∼10%.
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Top 500 in Namibia last 2 months (order by map changes)
No.ContributorChangesetsMap changesCreated elementsModified or deleted elementsCreated buildingsCreated highwaysCreated landuseCreated names
1.fweinrebe3055905032518 (55%)26532 (44%)34477265752
2.angolasandy2393182524201 (76%)7624 (23%)877474813123
3.Mark Davies16649251617949 (0%)16130 (99%)0000
4.palimpadum91587015197 (95%)673 (4%)16814142
5.gemsquash11897544964 (50%)4790 (49%)2248733361
6.Scharfbillig2370034409 (62%)2594 (37%)336139624
7.Kari59bib3545792023 (44%)2556 (55%)3216139
8.s6leogai741383690 (89%)448 (10%)652001
9.JikJola4529002550 (87%)350 (12%)2418614
10.siby4712221281623 (76%)505 (23%)100594
11.Mar Mar11518560 (36%)958 (63%)0000
12.Sekundemal85935657 (70%)278 (29%)186243
13.Eico Nghidipohamba Matheus3627563 (89%)64 (10%)176129
14.Tjipeua3620611 (98%)9 (1%)58122155
15.Russ8580548 (94%)32 (5%)0001
16.Muramba 2200971865561504 (89%)57 (10%)261624
17.traxnamibia36495303 (61%)192 (38%)0303
18.Annastasia Shipulwa2439314 (71%)125 (28%)72215
19.NKUWA2344274 (79%)70 (20%)3313253
20.DG4GF6327292 (89%)35 (10%)0321
21.Jaime Freeman3259183 (70%)76 (29%)103313
22.Penny'nna'h3237170 (71%)67 (28%)33124
23.FerganaValley (Apple)1016182 (50%)79 (49%)0100
24.HaldenCanal (Apple)1149100 (67%)49 (32%)01300
25.kevko221614232 (22%)110 (77%)6000
26.bheinema4139108 (77%)31 (22%)0601
27.potironB3133114 (85%)19 (14%)0600
28.Petrina Tjiuma212994 (72%)35 (27%)3029
29.HamiDesert (Apple)112869 (53%)59 (46%)01300
30.millicent2707112476 (61%)48 (38%)8102
31.WMT shikongo5115111 (96%)4 (3%)81110
32.Mr Hango610575 (71%)30 (28%)2113
33.Lost in Time and Space279911 (11%)88 (88%)00110
34.KwaXoloXolo28973 (82%)16 (17%)0100
35.whitney38528784 (96%)3 (3%)83011
36.kayuxtz18585 (100%)0 (0%)17000
37.PripetRiver (Apple)18227 (32%)55 (67%)0500
38.IMAN SELEMAN127474 (100%)0 (0%)13100
39.shootdown37330 (41%)43 (58%)0001
40.Loide Jonathan16665 (98%)1 (1%)5059
41.Homer-S46564 (98%)1 (1%)0201
42.Sakaria K56427 (42%)37 (57%)2104
43.Rosalia Nelenge15959 (100%)0 (0%)2005
44.recrayon15738 (66%)19 (33%)6000
45.steve_0815236 (69%)16 (30%)74311
46.Jocx94933 (67%)16 (32%)4019
47.judithmurage14525 (55%)20 (44%)5000
48.secy alma14342 (97%)1 (2%)3215
49.LakeTaymyr (Apple)13928 (71%)11 (28%)0400
50.Reino Baptista33926 (66%)13 (33%)0300
51.Bonifilia13737 (100%)0 (0%)3004
52.JriSv25013434 (100%)0 (0%)6000
53.gscholz14294 (13%)25 (86%)0300
54.Mpambo_S12723 (85%)4 (14%)0110
55.OSM-Kartograph22624 (92%)2 (7%)0101
56.Raphael Herunga12525 (100%)0 (0%)0001
57.Mr haikela12120 (95%)1 (4%)2105
58.ALu681200 (0%)20 (100%)0000
59.aleksaJov (Microsoft)4198 (42%)11 (57%)0000
60.steamtrain2521810 (55%)8 (44%)0201
61.Fortune0221615 (93%)1 (6%)2013
62.MountKitchener (Apple)11512 (80%)3 (20%)0200
63.Etuhole31411 (78%)3 (21%)0206
64.Lizel Sumarie Kahuika51412 (85%)2 (14%)1113
65.Augustinus Prince11212 (100%)0 (0%)0101
66.Granton2131211 (91%)1 (8%)0022
67.atti mueller21110 (90%)1 (9%)2000
68.tshedy8100 (0%)10 (100%)0000
69.b-jazz-bot680 (0%)8 (100%)0000
70.VLD287 (Facebook)280 (0%)8 (100%)0000
71.LukasSchw170 (0%)7 (100%)0000
72.ricardopretto166 (100%)0 (0%)0010
73.SilviaGu162 (33%)4 (66%)0000
74.confusedbuffalo550 (0%)5 (100%)0000
75.Alex_R_GIS155 (100%)0 (0%)1000
76.user_1890314444 (100%)0 (0%)0004
77.MarkusZuri444 (100%)0 (0%)0005
78.telementary*241 (25%)3 (75%)0000
79.swiki340 (0%)4 (100%)0000
80.VLD277 (Facebook)142 (50%)2 (50%)0000
81.VLD192 (Facebook)440 (0%)4 (100%)0000
82.ratrun130 (0%)3 (100%)0000
83.GWENNYP130 (0%)3 (100%)0000
84.pflug131 (33%)2 (66%)0000
85.wombatmaper330 (0%)3 (100%)0000
86.mapwitch231 (33%)2 (66%)0001
87.Mateusz Konieczny - bot account230 (0%)3 (100%)0000
88.EasySats220 (0%)2 (100%)0000
89.mueschel220 (0%)2 (100%)0000
90.hocu220 (0%)2 (100%)0000
91.TrickyFoxy110 (0%)1 (100%)0000
92.Traveler77110 (0%)1 (100%)0000
93.conradoos110 (0%)1 (100%)0000
94.Rockedf110 (0%)1 (100%)0000
95.VLD280 (Facebook)110 (0%)1 (100%)0000
96.claudia10110 (0%)1 (100%)0000
97.Tyrone Souter110 (0%)1 (100%)0000
98.Max weylandt110 (0%)1 (100%)0000
99.uneaten puffed110 (0%)1 (100%)0000
100.Tusker Campsite & Farmstall110 (0%)1 (100%)0000
101.Bitcoin studio111 (100%)0 (0%)0001
102.Ronnylenindana110 (0%)1 (100%)0000
103.Wesley - Cellstop Namibia110 (0%)1 (100%)0000
104.ThFenske110 (0%)1 (100%)0000