Edits of Singapore for Feb, 17th 2025
Report run @ Feb, 18th 2025 3:03am CET
Notice: The changeset's bbox center is utilized for counting. This can cause inaccuracies between ∼2% and ∼10%.
Daily active members
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Nodes: Daily created, modified or deleted
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Top 500 in Singapore last 2 months (order by map changes)
No.ContributorChangesetsMap changesCreated elementsModified or deleted elementsCreated buildingsCreated highwaysCreated landuseCreated names
1.kenken2341602283514972 (65%)7863 (34%)85748340107
2.iwalkandimap1141291948 (47%)2181 (52%)25150403
3.DrunkParisian4628261447 (51%)1379 (48%)3921912
4.wwjd20221362726219 (8%)2507 (91%)45001
5.GrabSG_Ng Chang Yin3125901929 (74%)661 (25%)048407
6.Dimitar1552524781 (0%)2477 (99%)0000
7.MapTheWalk422257688 (30%)1569 (69%)86221133
8.Hong Yao1320881245 (59%)843 (40%)444752
9.Kirin388618541133 (61%)721 (38%)2012320
10.GrabSG_AndyAng3516161062 (65%)554 (34%)0312015
11.Ropino31486157 (10%)1329 (89%)0000
12.cghisa_grab221120275 (24%)845 (75%)034037
13.Trip Maker6911598 (65%)313 (34%)01600237
14.Mith25232884330 (37%)554 (62%)43132
15.cboothroyd37705336 (47%)369 (52%)447016
16.Liu Qingshan1559559 (100%)0 (0%)08600
17.rene788557301 (54%)256 (45%)7265
18.rayth145430 (0%)543 (100%)0000
19.Doge0523512213 (41%)299 (58%)260203
20.mihaii_grab (Grab)748554 (11%)431 (88%)0702
21.yeeto da cheeto1739395 (24%)298 (75%)328015
22.kmapr43379174 (45%)205 (54%)6024
23.GrabSG_JasonL37370168 (45%)202 (54%)061026
24.HaPe-CZ9323125 (38%)198 (61%)11000
25.ko_ww6262196 (74%)66 (25%)21401
26.AnnaCatarina623546 (19%)189 (80%)0000
27.zooa5226125 (55%)101 (44%)021013
28.wheelmap_visitor1681680 (0%)168 (100%)0000
29.corinag_grab (Grab)816633 (19%)133 (80%)05010
30.Lmensgla5150144 (96%)6 (4%)0602
31.btcprox2512448 (38%)76 (61%)02039
32.jlimo71147 (6%)107 (93%)0400
33.GrabSG_zack1011328 (24%)85 (75%)01205
34.brandontoh1811061 (55%)49 (44%)01000
35.Khaisell110218 (17%)84 (82%)0020
36.mappy123158742 (48%)45 (51%)01101
37.Magikart25730 (0%)73 (100%)0000
38.Tobias199622710 (0%)71 (100%)0000
39.Claudius Henrichs87110 (14%)61 (85%)00010
40.GrabSG_huipingang136612 (18%)54 (81%)0300
41.Peter Newman266513 (20%)52 (80%)0002
42.DerFussi55827 (46%)31 (53%)0009
43.Micutio34570 (0%)57 (100%)0000
44.j21820570 (0%)57 (100%)0000
45.PurplePurplePurple22557 (12%)48 (87%)0200
46.LaustinSpayce55022 (44%)28 (56%)012010
47.lf29945034 (68%)16 (32%)01007
48.Jax Tan1470 (0%)47 (100%)0000
49.gurunatha_bh144518 (40%)27 (60%)0401
50.MartiCode4350 (0%)35 (100%)0000
51.ratrun1350 (0%)35 (100%)0000
52.SpecializedRider16320 (0%)32 (100%)0000
53.dpolovinkin23220 (62%)12 (37%)0000
54.08kiran952291 (3%)28 (96%)0000
55.Brentar (TomTom)3271 (3%)26 (96%)0000
56.GarnachoAura8252 (8%)23 (92%)0000
57.GrabSG_Charlie32518 (72%)7 (28%)0400
58.Oliver Tzeng12238 (34%)15 (65%)1001
59.yaswanth_d7227 (31%)15 (68%)0203
60.alrekur12217 (77%)5 (22%)0600
61.taimar671216 (28%)15 (71%)0001
62.durga_uppada1192 (10%)17 (89%)0102
63.Daniboi21913 (68%)6 (31%)1400
64.cytw11818 (100%)0 (0%)0100
65.ilx7180 (0%)18 (100%)0000
66.jayanth_ramesh (Grab)1161 (6%)15 (93%)0102
67.vladislav471yakovlev (Mapbox)2160 (0%)16 (100%)0000
68.jayasree_c6146 (42%)8 (57%)0000
69.IrvineofIrrawady13130 (0%)13 (100%)0000
70.leheng2124 (33%)8 (66%)0100
71.Heeheehaha5120 (0%)12 (100%)0000
72.gfhk2113 (27%)8 (72%)0200
73.shagufta_s5114 (36%)7 (63%)0000
74.coshatiuav2102 (20%)8 (80%)0000
75.ilcer1109 (90%)1 (10%)0000
76.rajashekhar_n4101 (10%)9 (90%)0000
77.yasodha_kotla2107 (70%)3 (30%)0300
78.JQ0101397 (77%)2 (22%)0006
79.NLSU199 (100%)0 (0%)1000
80.jakecopp195 (55%)4 (44%)0001
81.Juspay Global196 (66%)3 (33%)1000
82.free-ed380 (0%)8 (100%)0000
83.rashmitha_m484 (50%)4 (50%)0000
84.annie110100170 (0%)7 (100%)0000
85.201621kor571 (14%)6 (85%)0001
86.AndrewWizit177 (100%)0 (0%)0207
87.hoizan570 (0%)7 (100%)0000
88.Laveure373 (42%)4 (57%)0002
89.gracefu161 (16%)5 (83%)0000
90.mueschel460 (0%)6 (100%)0000
91.dmgroom_ct150 (0%)5 (100%)0000
92.ChanSK150 (0%)5 (100%)0000
93.Naya Kabir155 (100%)0 (0%)1000
94.b-jazz-bot350 (0%)5 (100%)0000
95.dElEtE4EvEr550 (0%)5 (100%)0000
96.lokesh_neelapu352 (40%)3 (60%)0000
97.FvGordon150 (0%)5 (100%)0000
98.MarkHersheyDev240 (0%)4 (100%)0000
99.BernardKoh123440 (0%)4 (100%)0000
100.MAPNlK240 (0%)4 (100%)0000
101.Alan Shek144 (100%)0 (0%)0200
102.Christoph Lotz140 (0%)4 (100%)0000
103.FabianW440 (0%)4 (100%)0000
104.OldManCelli140 (0%)4 (100%)0000
105.IQ Fightclub241 (25%)3 (75%)0001
106.Lumikeiju340 (0%)4 (100%)0000
107.S5A-0043340 (0%)4 (100%)0000
108.Maksim Sazanovich (Mapbox)131 (33%)2 (66%)0000
109.Daksh_tihr130 (0%)3 (100%)0000
110.Archi_Ma (TomTom)130 (0%)3 (100%)0000
111.Shre_WD (TomTom)130 (0%)3 (100%)0000
112.R3gi232 (66%)1 (33%)0001
113.Jonaes130 (0%)3 (100%)0000
114.无名氏330 (0%)3 (100%)0000
115.sai_penke231 (33%)2 (66%)0000
116.talk2tony330 (0%)3 (100%)0000
117.deeravath_kiran230 (0%)3 (100%)0000
118.singapore hatha120 (0%)2 (100%)0000
119.Muhd Al-Hafiz220 (0%)2 (100%)0000
120.ehn220 (0%)2 (100%)0000
121.thetornado76120 (0%)2 (100%)0000
122.pitscheplatsch220 (0%)2 (100%)0000
123.thedolarshop221 (50%)1 (50%)0001
124.Skycaptnkragg220 (0%)2 (100%)0000
125.yaboywf120 (0%)2 (100%)0000
126.GoodLiving Singapore221 (50%)1 (50%)0001
127.ericchandolarshop221 (50%)1 (50%)0001
128.Hedgie8110 (0%)1 (100%)0000
129.bik0111 (100%)0 (0%)0001
130.Display Name 2451110 (0%)1 (100%)0000
131.asl97110 (0%)1 (100%)0000
132.Eddie Yan110 (0%)1 (100%)0000
133.Sakhalinio110 (0%)1 (100%)0000
134.Fizzie41110 (0%)1 (100%)0000
135.Maslee110 (0%)1 (100%)0000
136.vamsiOSM (Apple)110 (0%)1 (100%)0000
137.robertsky110 (0%)1 (100%)0000
138.bryceco110 (0%)1 (100%)0000
139.Rockedf110 (0%)1 (100%)0000
140.Alexey Belkin110 (0%)1 (100%)0000
141.MiJH110 (0%)1 (100%)0000
142.sleepyzhu110 (0%)1 (100%)0000
143.pineberry110 (0%)1 (100%)0000
144.yetzt110 (0%)1 (100%)0000
145.zzkt110 (0%)1 (100%)0000
146.WuDaLang Hotpot111 (100%)0 (0%)0003
147.s135792110 (0%)1 (100%)0000
148.MHD110 (0%)1 (100%)0000
149.gscholz110 (0%)1 (100%)0000
150.Damon Bao110 (0%)1 (100%)0000
151.Kaduna (TomTom)111 (100%)0 (0%)0100
152.bxl-forever_repair110 (0%)1 (100%)0000
153.benjamin2023111 (100%)0 (0%)0001